Noss Head Lighthouse is located close to the fishing town of Wick in the far north of Scotland and first started service in 1849. The tower and original cottages were designed by Alan Stevenson "in the Egyptian style" and are Grade A-listed buildings. In 1987 the light was converted to automatic operation, and the land and buildings were sold, apart from the lighthouse itself, which is still owned and operated remotely by the Northern Lighthouse Board (NLB). Between 2000 and 2014, the buildings formed the Clan Sinclair Study Centre. The statue of Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney, was erected by the Clain Sinclair Trust and can still be seen in the compound.
The lighthouse compound is private land, but walkers and vehicles with blue badges are welcome. Please use the Car Park opposite the Castle (outside the lower gates). Due to nesting birds, wildlife, and farm animals, please keep dogs on their leads.
You can learn more about the lighthouse on the Northern Lighthouse Board website and on Wikipedia.
The former Principal Lighthouse Keeper's Cottage can be booked for self-catering holidays. For information on staying there, see the Lighthouse Keepers Cottage website for details and online booking. To see photographs of the lighthouse and the cottage available for holiday booking, see Ben's Instagram page - Lighthouse Keeper's Cottage | Holiday Cottage.
Picture of Noss Head Lighthouse (c) Benedicta Makin owner of the holiday cottage at this location.
Noss Head Lighthouse from the public car park.
Noss Head area map