Latheronwheel | Caithness

Latheronwheel village and harbour on the north east of Scotland

Latheronwheel is a small village built in 1835, originally a fishing village the small scenic harbour was used by boats fishing for herring. Today the harbour is used by a few local people to keep boats for lobster and crab fishing, or for leisure fishing off the Caithness coastline. There is a small free car parking area with picnic benches. It is an ideal spot to spend time relaxing, birdwatching, drawing and painting.

Latheronwheel harbour

Latheronwheel Harbour and Jetty

Latheronwheel harbour and jetty

Latheronwheel in Caithnes

Latheronwheel Pier and jetty, surrounded by interesting rocky coastline and nesting birds.

Old Abandoned Croft and Stone Bridge

Old croft and stone bridge at Latheronwheel

An old abondoned harbour house and stone bridge from the mid 18th centuary.

Stone harbour bridge at Latheronwheel

The now unused harbour bridge known locally as "Wades Bridge".

Picnic area at Latheronwheel harbour

Picnic area at Latheronwheel

Picnic area at Latheronwheel harbour.

Latheronwheel Location Map

Latheronwheel location map

Latheronwheel and Latheronwheel harbour map location.